Saturday 7 June 2014


So got up kinda early. There was a delivery of the glass windows and the french doors waiting. So got that off loaded. Then went for Breakfast at a Mall. Shopped for groceries while there. Groceries for the week that is. Then took the stuff back to the flatlet. After that left to go drop of some stuff for someone. Went to another mall to look at the Decor stuff. Bought some shirts at a clothing store and some cutlery at a decor shop. Got the mail. then went to the dvd store got The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Will see tonight if it is any good. At the moment have opened a bottle of red wine. Which is going down rather well. Nice and smooth. So after this will be the normal routine. Which we all know by now. Telly Supper, Dvd and then Bed.

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