Sunday 1 June 2014


Did not get up too early today. I forgot that the builder and his workmen are working this weekend. Which irks me since I could do with a break from them. I suppose it all goes with renovating a house. Anyway went to a Mall to have breakfast. Which was ok nothing to write home about. I also must not forget. I liked the movie last night. It was a pleasant change from the run of the mill movie. After breakfast went to a store to look for a present for a baby shower. So got stuff for a boy. Then went to a store to pickup some pendant lights that had been ordered. Then went to a hardware store to get stuff for the pool. After that found out that the baby was a girl so had to go back to the store to change the present to one for a girl. From there went to a Tile place to pick Tiles for the shower floor. Found a nice Tile. One that looks like they are pebbles. So that should look great for the shower floor. From there went to a Grocery store to get groceries for the week. After that it was back to the Flatlet. So now its watching Telly, Supper, Telly and then Bed.

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