Wednesday 25 June 2014


Got up kinda late not too late. Had to do some washing. So got that done. By the time I had finished it was time for me to go see My Therapist. Got there a little bit early so waited outside. Finally I get to see My Therapist after so long. It was a good session. My Therapist says I am Clinically Depressed and have been for awhile. So that explains a lot. especially the sleeping all day. My Therapist reckoned that I should get my Meds adjusted. So when I see mt Psychiatrist next week I will mention it and see what happens. Anyway stopped at a mall on the way back and sat in the parking lot drinking a coke. Then I went back to the flatlet. I crawled up into a ball on the sofa and then it was time for my Vlog watching. The rest will be stock standard. Telly, Supper, Telly and then bed.

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