Saturday 30 August 2014


Woke early this morning to let the painters in but nobody pitched. Phoned one of them and they said they cant make it today they will come tomorrow. Talk about being unreliable. Makes me want to scream. I just want it to be over with now. Its been dragging on for a couple days now. So then went to get groceries for the week. First to one store then to another.Stopped off to get a Dvd. Got Osage County. Then took the groceries back to the Abode. After which went to a Mall to have Breakfast. Then went to a shop to find a filter for an extractor fan. Turns out they were out of stock. So will have to find another store tomorrow. Then looked at some clothing store for a specific type of Jacket. But none of them had anything close enough. Then went back to the Abode. Which watched Telly and will watch Telly after this. At the moment am drinking red wine. The usual will tkae place after this. Which is Telly, Supper, Dvd and then Bed.

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