Thursday 25 July 2013

I Am

To some extent I am feeling a bit better from Tuesday. It has taken awhile to process the things we dealt with during the Session. Normally it does not take so long. I have occasions when I only take a day to process what we went through. This time as I said was a particularly heavy. It's not to say that I have stopped dealing with it. It is more to say that it is not affecting that much emotionally. Or maybe I'm in denial to just how much I have been affected. There is a strong possibility that that is the case. It's not something that is ever going to just go away. It is something that I deal with on a daily basis. Just have never really gone into it at a level we did on Tuesday. It is really like I shove it into the back of my mind so I don't have to deal with. Yet Lulu is forever present. Therapy is like going round in circles. Dealing with issue on a specific level and the next time it comes around we dig into it deeper and then it goes around and then we go deeper. So the issues become harder and harder to deal with. With that in mind you will understand why it becomes harder to deal with. It takes a lot out of you when you deal with a subject in such an intense level.

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