Friday, 15 August 2014


As per usual I got up at the normal time did the washing which I am grateful for there was quite a bit of it. That has to be the longest sentence ever. lol. Jumped on top of my Bed after having made it and assumed the fetal position. Time flew before you know it it was time for me to go to Gym. It was glorious today for I had the circuit to myself which I love. Then I am able to do what I want. I am not that's strong so I have to put the weights a lower level for me to be able to the exercise. I don't like it when people are around and then they can see what weight I am doing and then I get embarrassed. So I always make it higher after I am finished with the machine. To make out as if I was pushing x instead of y. So after that I went to the grocery store to get some Telly Dinners. So tonight will be Telly, Telly Dinners, Telly and then Bed.

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