Monday, 24 March 2014

I Am Live

So the best news is that I have my Internet up and going which is such a relief. It was a bit of a bum in the bum to get it going. that is today what with all the different things I had to do to get it going. Still its up now and I can play catch up with all my vlogs. Yuppie
I slept late and then got up to change the linen. Then did some washing and washed the towels etc as well. folded all the washing I had done awhile ago. So alot of washing was done today. then I proceeded to sleep some more. So all in all I did sleep alot today. I will be seeing My Therapist tomorrow for its been quite a long time since I saw My Therapist. I thought I would just throw that in there.
After sleeping some more I decided to get hold of the Internet people to light a fire under them to get them going. So after a lot of fiddling with the computer and etc. Its up and going. Tonight Will watch some Telly and then it will be the end of Monday

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