Saturday, 1 February 2014

This Is

So as per usual ..... ....... ....... ......... You should be able to fill in the blank by now. How do I start my day. I sleep late. So I slept late. Then I went to Gym. Which was ok I did not do so well on the tread mill, if that's what you call it. I felt weird doing it. Maybe because I had just done twenty minutes on the rowing machine. Could be that or could just be that I am unfit. I have lost a small amount which I can feel. Not enough to get too exited about. Anyway that's that. I then went home and had a ........ . Yes I had a nap it was just not enough that I slept late I had a nap after gym lol. What can I say it was just one of those things. Had a pizza for supper. One of those store bought the DIY kind. Any hoo as well as some Red which went down well. Then I watched "This Is The End" on dvd. I have to say that I was not gonna mention that I even watched it. That's how bad the movie was. It was terrible so don't watch it. And that was that fro Friday.

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