Wednesday, 25 September 2013


So I went to Gym after having cleaned the Abode. Now remember that I did not go to gym last week at all. I was tired from cleaning the Abode. Which I did in record time today. I have not broken my record yet. Any way so when I went to gym I was tired already. I did want to do this one Ab machine but it started to give me a headache. I get headaches because of my neck. That's another story. Anyway I decide not continue with that and got on the Treadmill. I think that in the mean time I have put on some weight. For I have this craving for Coke at the moment. I just cant get it right. I do eat kinda healthy during the week. And then on the weekends I pig out on all the stuff I am not supposed to. Sorry I just cant do the healthy thing all the time. Probably why I don't lose weight even though I do Gym. Well occasionally lets be honest about that.

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