Monday, 30 September 2013

Hedda Lettuce video diary - stage fright


So I spent most of today in the horizontal position. By which I mean I did spend quite a bit of time sleeping. What makes for a change is that I had some really awesome dreams with all that sleeping. Mondays I normally spend quite a bit of time in Bed since the whole weekend was spent running around. Which makes for tiring work.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Raven chats with her San Antonio fans

Drag Queen Tutorial : Hip Pads


Got back to the Abode had a bit of a sleep. by the way my Tooth is feeling much better thanxs. Just don't know if I should go see a Dentist now or not. I just hate to waste money like that. Well will think about it. Having a small glass of wine at the moment. Probably have one more. Not really going to get into drinking tonight.


After that went and looked at one Abode also quite far away. It was a bit small. Plus it was Semi Detached which I don't like at all. I like all my walls to myself thanxs.


So went running around a Mall which is quite far away from where I live. Checked out a clothes store and some others. Did not get any thing. Since I did not see any thing worthwhile.

This Morning

Well went out for Breakfast this Morning. Had a Breakfast Bagel with egg, tomatoes, bacon and mozzarella cheese. It was ok. Had only one cappuccinos. Since there cappuccinos was not that good. Pity though because I felt like another.


Then after the Movie went and got a rib burger and a beer and a cider. The burger was good. Yeah and you said the Movie was good as well so what is it. Make up your mind. I reckon there is a difference between a Movie being good and a burger being good. Good for food is a good rating. Where for a Movie its ok. The Movie was Ok not fantastic. lol. Hope all that makes sense. Maybe I will have to come up with a better word than Good. lol.

Last Night

So I went to go see Elysium last night. It was good. I wont say fantastic but good. Maybe I should start a rating system. So I enjoyed it.


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Detox: "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" @ Micky's!

I Wonder

I am Thinking of having a Glass of Red Wine I wonder if it will help the Pain. lol. I suppose there is only one way to find out. I will also let you know if it works or makes it worse.

Even Though

I am going Out Tonight even though I have a toothache from Hell. Well the arrangements were made before the Toothache. Well there is always Meds to help me. Like really strong Pain Meds. lol. I am quite a Sissy and don't like messing around with pain. I just take My Meds. I would rather be goofed than have to deal with pain. Anyway I will tell you tomorrow about What I got up to tonight. Me and My Tooth. lol. Ooowww


I have a toothache from Hell. Last night I was trying to sleep with it and spent awhile trying to sleep. Eventually I said to myself take some bloody tablets. So I got up and took two pin tablets really strong ones the it was not working fast enough. So I got up and took another one. So at least it worked and I was able to nod off to sleep. This morning When I woke up it was the same thing so I took two tabs. Today is not so bad its a bit sensitive and I can feel it all the time. Lets see what happens tonight. I have to say that there is no pain like a serious toothache. Its like really in your head. I am going to have to make appointment to go see a Dentist on Monday. Hopefully I can last that long. Scream, Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Friday, 27 September 2013

JINKX MONSOON: The Typewriter (Uncommon Lipsync)

Alyssa Edwards' Secret - Word Association


I am drinking Red Wine at the moment but I won't be adventuring further than two Glasses. Since I am trying to moderate my drinking for the moment. Well I am trying to be responsible. lol. No seriously.

Can You

I just can't believe that is almost the Festive Season. The next couple of months will fly past then there will be The Festive Season. Then New years and Wham a new Year. Well I know I am stating the obvious. But still I just can't get over the fact that is almost another year gone.

I Am

I am kinda hungry at the moment. I am watching the one half of a couple at Chef's school and they are preparing Duck and Chicken. The as well as showing photos of the meals as they can prepare them. Damn this Vlog. I will have supper in a couple of hours so I will just have to Grin and Bare until then. lol. I am Hungry.


A miracle happened today.I am sure you can guess what that is I was able to drag my Arse off to Gym. it took quite a bit of persuading in fact it was more like a conference. At least I was able to do My Abs machine for my Neck is ok now. Well thank goodness for that is where I need the most help. So I did the treadmill and bicycle as well and a little of pulling weights up. I don't know what the machine is called. The only way that I know the one machine does Abs is because the machine is called that. Otherwise I would have no Idea. Remember I am not a Gym Bunny.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

ASK MISTY: Plus Sized Hurdles


I was watching a vlog of Vidcon which is the You Tuber convention for all the well recognized You Tube Vloggers. I wonder if that would work out for Bloggers. lol. I have a feeling that it would not. Can only try you know.

I Feel Like

I wouldn't mind going somewhere to nite but that wont happen since I could be going out on Saturday night.Well I will know by tomorrow if it is going to happen. Here's hoping. It's been awhile since I went out at night. Well I am a bit of a Home Body. But I do like going out once in awhile.


Today has been an exceptionally lazy day. I slept most of the day away. I do however have a toothache which has started to annoy me. I just hope it does have a hole or something like that. I don't mind going to The Dentist I just hate wasting time doing so and it costs as well. Any visit to any Medical Professional costs an arm and a leg. Well you should know that. So what am I saying.


I can not believe that today is Thursday and so it's one day and it is weekend again. This week has certainly flown for me. I don't know about you. I just feel as if we had no week. We barely get started and it's weekend already. Another thing is that is the festive Season just around the corner so almost another year gone. Time is certainly flying for me.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

RuPaul Drives...Sharon Needles

Alyssa Edwards' Secret - Dinner Party


Well yesterday I would have seen my Therapist but that did not happen as you well know hwy. It kinda makes me feel weird because I did not go. It almost does not feel like a normal week for me. Which throws everything out. I am kinda one of those routine type people. I just operate a lot better with routine. I like to do something totally random every now and then but for most part I am a routine type of person. Well so thats why I feel my week is a bit off kelter.


So I went to Gym after having cleaned the Abode. Now remember that I did not go to gym last week at all. I was tired from cleaning the Abode. Which I did in record time today. I have not broken my record yet. Any way so when I went to gym I was tired already. I did want to do this one Ab machine but it started to give me a headache. I get headaches because of my neck. That's another story. Anyway I decide not continue with that and got on the Treadmill. I think that in the mean time I have put on some weight. For I have this craving for Coke at the moment. I just cant get it right. I do eat kinda healthy during the week. And then on the weekends I pig out on all the stuff I am not supposed to. Sorry I just cant do the healthy thing all the time. Probably why I don't lose weight even though I do Gym. Well occasionally lets be honest about that.


So it took a hell of a lot of energy and whats left of my Motivation to clean the Abode today. I at least got it done. Which was a miracle in of itself. Nope it really was tough today. Thank goodness I got through it. I think my Depression is just getting worse as time goes on and I am not sure why. Well I have a slight inkling as to what it could be about. But we wont go there. Life has strange ways of bring things through which you try not to.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Alyssa Edwards' Secret - Impressions


I took a whole tablet this morning so that I would not be too Anxious today. Normally I am only supposed to have a half. So today has not been to bad in regards to the Anxiety. Even though my Neighbor is acting up. I just could not be bothered going to complain about there insensitivity. Which for them it comes easily.


I am funny some of the time as if you really needed to know when I was going to watch Vlogs. The only time it would make sense if you were following me real time. Well you never know. I am glad that I have quite a lot of Vlogs to watch today.

Not Much

Well other than the chores and sleeping had croissants made into French Toast for breakfast. Which is a change from the normal.  Which normally is a hot cross bun or cereal or nothing. That is a very wide variety to choose from. Well it was not bad . Had my share and put what was left over in the fridge. Now beside that I have not done much today. I am now going to look at some of my Vlogs.


Well that has been done. I am glad it's done atleast another thing I don't have to worry about for the moment. The never ending cycle of the Abodes chores.

Oh My Gosh

I have done a load of Linen and a Load of clothes today. Which is no big achievement. Tomorrow I have to clean the Abode. Which I have to say that I am not looking forward to. I will still need to put the linen and the washing away from today. Which I think I will go do now. So I will post as soon as I am finished.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Leona Lewis - Run

Back To

lol. So I am back to wanting to become famous because of my Blog. Well for starters I have no Members. I am not receiving a hell of a lot of hits a day. The counter is not spinning. Measuring the the hits. So what do you think my chances are. Well I could become famous for sleeping at least. Or for being Anxious all the time. What about cleaning that's really unusual don't you think. Well either way I think I stand a great chance. So here is hoping I will await the email announcing my Famedom. lol Yeah Right.


I am happy to say that I made it through the weekend without there being any major Anxieties I was Anxious I wont not admit that but it was not as bad as it could have been. But I suppose that's because I took more meds than I normally do. I think that will be the staple from now on. All I have to is up my Anxiety Meds on the weekends. Not that they are prescribed a the level I am taking them but what the Heck.

I Do Know

I have to say the internet is being a bit of a pain today for me. It simply is making it really hard for me to view my Vlogs which is an absolute irritant. Normally everything is fine except for today. Aaaaahhh Scream

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star (New Version)

I Think

I should become famous because of this Blog. Don't you think then I can jet around the world and meet people and get cool stuff for free. etc, etc. You agree with me don't ya. lol. One can only dream. Right.


I just wish it would Rain for as I have stated before I love the rain. Especially to sleep during it . It has a soothing effect on me. it's like a really good dream while snoozing away. Well I am sure I could come up with a better comparison. Never the less I LOVE the rain.


So as I said I went out this morning for Breakfast. Which is the norm for the moment though. Anyway got some French Toast with bacon and Syrup. Which wasn't that bad it was ok. I have had better though. Plus the normal yes you have got it. Two cappuccinos. The one was rather large and the other normal size. So that was enough fro my caffenine buzz. Then ran around the Mall. Returned something for it was too small and looked for clothes etc.

I Knew

I took extra Anxiety Meds this morning for I just knew today was going to be stressful and to some degree it was. So I am glad that I did. When I got back from running around I went and lay down for awhile and probably will again after this. Before I left this morning my Neighbors were up to their usual nonsense. I was thinking that I was going to come back and they would be continuing. But thankfully they had gone out. Which I was thankful for. I just don't get why I have to have people like them living next door to me. Can.t they go live amongst their own kind. Anyway I suppose that's wishful thinking.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Norah Jones - Sunrise


I was just watching this Vlog about this girl that because of her vlog got to eventually sit front row at a fashion show. Which was obviously exciting for her since the rolled out the red carpet for her. No not literally. Anyway it's interesting that people who Vlog are recognized and then there are those who Blog that really don't get recognized as much for their work . So you can get further if you Vlog. I was actually thinking of Vloging I tried the camera thing and I was so rubbish that I decided to sticking to something more cerebral like Bloging. I am decidedly a lot better at this than Vloging


Well I have to say that today is one of those really lazy Days when really nothing is happening. I did not even get a Dvd for tonight that's how lazy it is. It's boring it's such a lazy day. lol.

I Was

When I got back to the Abode I went and jumped upon my Bed curled up into a ball and slept. I might do that later for I am feeling tired for some reason. I don't know why its just one of those days when I just feel like sleeping. I wish it was raining since there is nothing better than sleeping when it is raining. It's the best. I love it.


So again went out for Breakfast which was a darkened chicken and feta Omelette. Which was pretty good. Quite big as well. I still feel full now it was that much. Don't forget about the two cups of cappuccino. You should be able to rattle it off by now. It is the Breakfast staple. Ran around the Mall afterwards looking for clothes. Not much different than the normal. The Mall was quite today which was cool. Since I like it when the aren't hoards of People. That's why sometimes I like going during the week when there are even less people around then.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (Official Music Video)


Ok I can say safely that I got all the washing done and squared away. So thats another mundane boring thing I have done today. I must say that I do enjoy the feeling of freshly washed clothes. No not when they are wet silly. When they are dry. lol. Especially if it has a good fragrance form the towel or softener. Not to sure what you guys call it. So whatever you know what I am talking about.


I am a bit Anxious at the moment which does not really help too much. It's a combination of the two situational and the normal type. What is quite bizarre is that anti depressants can make you Anxious so there's that as well. Go figure you just cant win can you. I think that if there is anything that I hate is feeling Anxious. It is no party. Feeling Anxious is the same as being on edge. If that helps a bit with trying to identify the feeling.


So unusually I went out today had lunch which was a Tramezzini, Chicken at that. Which I have to say was pretty good. I did however not eat the salad first it had no dressing and plus its too healthy. Did not really walk around the Mall at all. So went in had two cappuccinos a coke ate lunch and left. Well I was at the restaurant for quite awhile to tell the truth.

Not Much

So I looked up my Subscriptions on You Tube and found only one. Normally there three or four at least. But to find one only really does suck. Well there is not much I can do about that except sulk.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Killers - Human

How To Not Look Sh#t In Drag :)


I am still feeling a bit Lost. I just wish I could become a little more grounded. Being Bipolar at the best of times can be quite a pain. Yes I am Bipolar. It's not a death sentence it just makes life a bit harder to deal with . That and Depression which is part of it is why I go to Therapy. So for the moment I am not going to be able to see My Therapist for two weeks. So that will makes things a bit harder for me. I am so used to going to Therapy Once a week that it has become part of my Routine. Then there is the other thing that makes Life even more interesting. That which will not be named.

I am

Listening to "Electric Light Orchestra" at the moment. They are an old band. Probably one most people might not remember. It reminds of the Old School Drag Queens who still pelt out the good Ole Tunes. Now a days its all the club music. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Just everyone has their Cup of Tea. You cant please everyone all the time.Well enough with the sayings. I have switched over to listening to "The Killers". So there is hope for me. lol


I am packing the Linen away at the moment. Long way off from Tuesday. I really do have to establish a new routine with all the washing etc. I found the old routine was just not cutting it. Either that or I am getting lazy. lol. Well anyway lets see how I can change things up a bit.


I enjoyed "Ladies Please" tremendously. I have always liked when a movie is based on Truth. It always gives the movie a feeling Of Authenticity. I have to say. I came across almost by accident. I was not looking for it. I was trying to find a specific Drag Queen to post. What I do find that there is not much on You Tube that is good quality featuring Drag Queens. So its really hard to find and finding "Ladies Please" Was and is an absolute Gem amongst the rough.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Why I wanted to become a Drag Queen

Ladies Please

"Ladies Please" is the real article its a documentary of the real life people behind "Priscilla Queen Of The Desert." What A Gem

'Ladies Please' - the story of the girls who inspired the movie "Priscil...

Next Life Time

No seriously I am going to be A Drag Queen in my next lifetime. There is so much to love about it. I think it is becoming main Stream which is a pity it takes away from the mystique which is half the fun. Plus being able to express yourself in the way that they do. It definitely is another world. Which I love. I can't really put into words why I love it so much. maybe one night when I am kinda drunk I will be able to express myself better. lol.


I am drinking The Red Again. I am just going to have three quarters of a bottle. So no big deal. I just find I Blog better under the influence. lol. No not joking. Well maybe just a little bit. Not about the Drinking.


So I kinda had a backwards day today. Where I slept and then changed the Bed put the stuff in the washer. (No I did wash it I am leaving that for tomorrow.) So then I cleaned part of the Abode. The part that needs to be cleaned like the loo and the bath and basin etc. Can't let that go for much longer without cleaning it. So in a way I am procrastinating again. I will do the linen as well as some clothes tomorrow. So everything is a little bit backwards today.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

I Can't

Expression of Self in it's truest forms is the ultimate release.(now if your a Psychopath or a Serial Killer I am not talking about you or the likes) I just had to put that out there. Any way to be able to express yourself without hindrance is the ultimate freedom. The next best thing is too be accepted for what you are in it's Truest form. So with Affirmation and Self Expression you are able to live as your True Self. I really don't want to say much more than that except for the fact that this Blog is to a large part , part of my Expression. I know it does not seem like it. But really sharing just mundane things as well as every now and then a deeper insight keeps me going. I am depressed amongst other things because I can't express myself. Enough said


I did however stop at the store on the way back to mY Abode where I  picked up a few bottles of Red Wine. I am A Red Wine Whore. lol Just cant't get enough. No seriously I will keep the rest for the coming weekend. I am just going to indulge in a bottle  of Cabernet Sauvignon. (Well that's what it says it on the bottle. lol) I do know a little bit about wine enough to get me into trouble.


Whats even worse is that I haven't been to Gym This week. I have got a feeling it's not going to happen this week. As I said I have a feeling. I could prove myself wrong. Damn it's almost like being at School isn't. I have neve been a Gym Bunny. I am not there everyday for three hours. If thats what floats your boat then it's cool. It is just I don't have the motivation to be there as much as that or even close to that.


I was lazy as Hell today I did not do the Linen. I conned myself into doing it tomorrow along with doing the cleaning. ( Listening to Lady Gaga's "The Fame Monster" double cd) I really am good at conning myself. Just procrastinating that is all that it is. not that I don't like a clean Abode. Everything is neat except for My Desk. That is a bit of a mess. I have to have the luxury of having one place a real mess. lol


I was in Therapy today. I wont be seeing My Therapist for two weeks now. Which sucks. The Therapist has to go to a conference the one week and wont be available  the week before that which is next week. Just to get that straight. Which Sucks. So I am going to have grin and bear these two weeks coming.
I will say that we made a lot of progress today. not enough but as much as you can get done in one session which is 50 minutes. I know why not 60 minutes. Sorry I don't have the answer to that. But none the less. For the moment I am regressing which is not a good thing. hopefully I will get out of it. Then again one never knows.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Gay Wedding With A Drag Queen Minister!

I Did

I deleted the Contour Whore because I just did not like the quality of picture it had. I try to find Vlogs which are of a good quality. Some day they are scarce and some day there are plenty. So really its a luck of the draw.


I am kinda looking Forward to Therapy this week. I kinda like the topic that we are going to be continuing on with. It will certainly go a long way to helping me. Well I wish that it does. I know that it is an ongoing thing and one session will not really make a huge difference. This we all know and have come to accept  that I our lives are more of a progression and a slow one at that. So we do the best we can with what we have got and hopefully it's enough. Damn listen to me I sound Like a Motivational Speaker. Which was not my intention. I really am just speaking to myself. For I am going through a very strange time in my life at the moment. I just wish I could make sense of it all. Hence the caption of this Blog.


I commented on someones Vlog and I had all this stuff I had to go through. Which account must I use etc. All just for making a comment. So not realizing that there is two accounts that I have now so the new one is where I was. So I looked at my You Tube subscriptions and found only one. Which I suddenly made me panic. Since what was I going to do with only one subscriptions. Part of My Blogging is watching My Vlogs that I subscribe to. So I had to start thinking of all the Subscriptions I have and had to start from scratch. Damn. Anyway not realizing that I had the other account which uses my email as a reference which had all my subscriptions. Well it was all convoluted and I manged to make sense of it all. Thank Goodness. I hope this all makes sense at the end of the day. Well if it did not I am sorry. I tried my best.


Well this is the Third really Lazy day in a row. Haven't really done much more than sleep, Blog and watch Telly. I am really going to have to motivate Myself to get up early enough tomorrow to be able to do the Washing of the linen. Well we will have to see how it goes tomorrow. I also have to see My Therapist tomorrow as well.

Sunday, 15 September 2013


I slept quite a bit today more for the fact that I was bored more than anything else. I just hope I will be able to sleep tonight . Otherwise it will be a night watching the ceiling. Which I don't like. I could have used stronger language but I decided not to. lol.

I Have

I watched Telly instead of getting Dvds. I will change that tomorrow I will get a Dvd as opposed to watching Tv. Which will be a change from the normal. For I normally watch Tv During the week as opposed to watching Dvds. So tomorrow will be a change from the normal. lol.


I had this dream this morning which was really funny it even had members from my family in it as well. It was one of those dreams where it was like a movie. I remember most of it and though it was very cool apart from one or two scenes where I would have preferred  that they did not exist. Nothing against any of you just stuff or people I would prefer not to be in my dream. well anyway lets end off on a Bright note. It was fun none the less.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Placebo - Too Many Friends (Live At RAK Studios)


I was considering starting a New Blog. I haven't quite figured what it would be about. Or at least what the theme would be. I might just be reaching at the moment. It might not even happen. But still I fell stifled. Either that or  I need to change up this Blog and ad different content to it. That just might be what it needs. If I do start another one I will let you know if I do.


So yes I have started on My Red. I just wish I would have gotten some Tequila so that I could get a bit smashed. Well I did not so I will have to be happy with what I got. lol Which is Red Wine. Next time I will make sure that I have something stronger. lol. This is not a standard thing just every now and then I feel like something stronger than wine.


I brought some Lunch for someone in the area for I know they are poor. I am not saying this to seem so likes higher than almighty. I just knew it would lift their spirits up a bit. Just to let them know that someone is thinking about them.


Sow today has been a bit of a slow day so far. Got up Mid Day. Did some washing. The laundry basket was not full it was just something for me to do. Well it was either that or stare at the wall. So I chose to do the Laundry. So at least I got something done today. So at the end of the day I can say I did something.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Robyn - Indestructible


I had to pour myself some wine since I could not wait any longer. I am weak what can I say. I couldn't resist the urge. So I gave in. Yikes. lol.


Even though I did feel like going for a minute there, I did not make it to Gym. I have noticed that in the last couple of weeks that I am becoming more and more disinterested in things. I am not too sure why and not too sure how to break out of it. I will certainly need to snap out of it at sometime or other. Otherwise my Days are going to become a total waste.

I Think

I am sleeping so much that I am not tired anymore. I even try to sleep and I can't. I take extra Meds to make me sleep at night. Otherwise I would lay there staring at the ceiling the whole night. No they are not sleeping tablets. They are for Anxiety and just happen to make you sleepy. So I take an extra one to help me sleep. So it's not a really big deal at all.


So I managed to get some Red Wine. Not many bottles just a few. Not enough to get drunk. They have to last the weekend. So I will have to go sparingly. I would like some now but I am waiting until a bit later. Otherwise I finish it all off. Which is no good. It is not. well at least I got that done. I was in bed and it was just getting tired of being there. So I decide to get up and go get the stuff. I was even considering tomorrow to do the shopping but then I changed my mind. Fancy that.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

"I'd Rather Go Blind" - Talia Triangolo (Etta James cover)

Blurred Bynes by DWV (Detox, Willam & Vicky Vox)


I have to get some Red Wine tomorrow since I am completely out at the moment. So I will have to do a quick run. I might include gym in that equation. Since I have become really lazy and only have been going once a week. Which is really not that good. So we will have to see what mood I am in tomorrow.

Had To

Once again I had to do the washing today since the laundry basket was overflowing. ( The laundry basket is not that big, Three days worth of washing is enough to fill it.) Mind you me I only wear things once and then put them in the wash. I don't wear stuff a couple of times and then put it in the wash. I know that its a lot of work but that's just me . So today is all done and packed away. I am also a neat person well that goes for my clothes cupboard is very neat. My Work Desk is like a whores handbag. So go figure. When I make notes or need to keep a number I write it on small square pieces of paper and put them in a pile. So I have little piles all over the Abode. That is my organizer. So even though I have a smart phone \i really don't use it that much to store info.


I have to say Thanx to all those that have been patient with me during this time of stress. It hasn't been easy and it still is not easy. I am feeling a bit better.. Hopefully nothing tips me over in the next short while. My Depression at the moment is situational and is because what is happening around me. The situation has changed for the moment but I still have to get over my Depression which is not that easy. For instance I was in bed the whole day today until I could not stand it anymore and had to get up. Even when I  do get out of the slump not much is going to change in what I do. I will just feel better. So I will still sleep for long times and etc. So really it is like a vicious circle going around and around. No Jokes

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

I Managed

So Gym was something that happened today. Even though it was very late just as much as everything was late. It was not too bad. I did however skip one of the exercises because there were to many people around the machine. So I decided not to do it today. I will see if I can make it to Gym again tomorrow. Well heres hoping.


I cleaned the Abode in record time today. Which I am kinda glad about since I really was not in the mood for. Well who really wants to clean anyway. I am still yet to find someone that loves cleaning.

I Did

Early this morning . I had the most amazing dreams. It's a pity I can't share them with you . Since it is never the same as when you were dreaming. I was hurt in the one Dream but it was no big deal since it was just serious scratches on the front of my Legs. That is in the Dream mind you me.


So everything I have done today has been late. I got out of bed late. Which should be no surprise. I actually got the point where I was tired of being in bed. Can you imagine. Me getting tired of being in bed. Go figure.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

As Well

I did do the the washing of the linen today, which was not that bad. So it's done and all the stuff is put away. I just have to do the cleaning tomorrow which I am not looking forward to. Well I mean who loves cleaning. I am still yet to meet some one that does.


So I went to Therapy and also to pick up My Meds. Therapy was very interesting today and I hope to pick up from it next time I have Therapy. I am still depressed maybe not as much as I was yesterday but still. I think it's going to take awhile for me to get over it.

Monday, 9 September 2013


It's going to take awhile for me to get out of this phase I haven't felt like this for awhile and I know it normally lasts for awhile. What can I say I am down in the dumps at the moment.

I Did

I slept really late today for I was just not up to getting up at all. I eventually did get up and did some washing which is no big deal. Well I had to otherwise I would have no clothes since all my pants were in the wash apart from the one I ma wearing now.


Yesterday was a bit of a rough day in regards to anxiety it took a lot out of me so much so that I wasn't myself at all. I am still getting over it and have not returned to my normal self. I think I have spoilt you guys too much in having so many posts that are Music etc. And it shows especially when I don't post them. Well none the less. I was so spaced yesterday that I forgot to mention that I had watched Movie 43 on Saturday night. It was goo d to start off with and then became a bit of a let down after awhile. It did have its funny moments. Well that's that.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Got Back

Came back to the Abode only to find that My Neighbor had discovered his volume knob on his system so had to confront him on having the Music so loud. It really takes a lot of energy every time to have to tell him to lower his music. You would think that he would have got the hint by now. Some people are just so self involved that they really have no consideration for those around them. I could scream. Well anyway it did go down after awhile and I managed to have a Nap since this morning I just did not feel as if I got enough sleep.

As Well

Went to have Breakfast which was the normal except for the fact that I had one cappuccino this time instead of two. Had a coke instead of a second cappuccino. Other than it was good. Nothing else to report there


Went to a mall to get some stuff and exchange something since it was faulty. Did not stay to long.Since there really was nothing to do there or see.

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Duffy - Warwick Avenue (Official Video)

Under the Wig with Pandora Boxx


Just a bit anxious this Morning. For I did not know what to expect when I got back to The Abode. Just hoping for a quite day I suppose. You know the neighbor and all. will be looking at Abodes tomorrow again. Still not in a rush. All in good time. Could even only be next year for all I know.


Yes, went out this Morning to have the usual Breakfast with the two cappuccinos. lol. So whats new. The one Cappuccino was a large and when I say a large it was more like a soup bowl instead of a cup. So for awhile I had a bit of a caffeine overdose. Not to mention the sugar rush as well. So much so when I got back to the Abode I lay done for a little while.


Yes, so last night watched Admission. What I can say about this Movie that it is a nice little Movie. Not a great Movie just a nice little Movie. lol


Friday, 6 September 2013

Lady Portia "Relationships" Easier If Your GAY?!?

Jinx Monsoon Winner


I welcome comments. So if you feel like it don't hesitate. I am happy to hear from you and that is just about anything no matter how mundane it is. What is important to you will be treated the same by myself. If I do get a comment I will do a post in reply to it. Since you normally have to go to the comment section to see what the response is.

Drag Queens

So you would have gathered by now that I have a thing for Drag Queens amongst others. Unfortunately You Tube does not have too many good Vlogs with Drag Queens. Otherwise I would have posted them by Now. I have to really search for the ones I have found. I am not going to say why I am into Drag Queens. I am going to leave that up to you to decide, it makes it more interesting that way. I would actually love to hear what your thoughts are so you can comment if you want to. But more than likely nobody will.

The Red

So I am having My obligatory Red Wine now. I don't know if I look forward to it or is it just a habit that I have. Just another routine that I follow. It's amazing how we just fall into a rut and just becomes second nature to such an extent that we don't even think about it we just do it. it's not much different from any other day where we just fall into routine. Get up, eat go to work, eat, work some more come home eat again then watch telly an go to sleep etc, etc. How Banal is that its true unfortunately. So my routine is not much different well it depends on the type of day I am having but still not that different.


After Lunch at the Mall I went stopped at a store to get some Groceries plus Doughnuts for later tonight. I don't know if I will be hungry later. We will have to wait and see but if I am I will have something to eat so no Train Smash.


Well today was a little different from the Norm. I did however sleep in a bit then I went out for Lunch where I had , Yes, Two Cappuccinos and a Tramezzini with Feta, Bacon, Sweet peppers and Mozzarella. Which I have to say was really good. It makes for a difference if you try something different instead of always having the same thing. The Cappucinos were nice and hot like I like them. So I enjoyed Lunch.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Robyn 'Hang With Me' (Official Video)

Trying To

At the moment I am trying to create a new reality for myself. That being because the Meds turned My Life upside down. My life literally changed for lets say the worse. As you well know I have become Apathetic and motivation less. (I am not too sure if you spell it like that) Plus I am still battling to get  everything to make sens for me. For instance am I doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff or is it something I would want to do. So more to the point who am I really and what do I want. This having changed for I am no longer the same way as I used to be.

I Am

I am doing washing at the moment. I know its a bit late in the day but I was waiting for the workmen to arrive so I put it off. Anyway no big deal. It will get done none the less. i always amazed as to how fast laundry piles up. I literally have to do washing every Three days to keep up or else the Dirty Laundry Basket begins to overflow.

At The Moment

I have been waiting for a cupboard to be delivered to my Abode. One that had been ordered. They were supposed to be here a 2 pm but came later. They literally left 15 minutes ago. Well the cupboard is ok for what it is. So it in its place and now I was able to put everything back to it's original place. I had to create a pathway so the guys carrying it to were it needed could get there, to its final resting place. Well so that all done and now I can well get back to what I was doing before they arrived.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Under the Wig with Ivy Winters

At The Momnet

I am really getting into my book at the moment. Unfortunately it's the last one in the trilogy and i am almost half way through it already. It normally happens like that when I love a book I read really fast. It's only if I don't like a book that I slow down. So by that I already know that I am not really into the book. I have of late just stopped reading a book if it is boring. Before I used to complete the book no matter how much I did not like it. I think I am beyond that now. Life is too short to have to wade through books you don't like.


I really haven't had too much to be Anxious this week so far. Which is a good thing. I shouldn't speak too soon since we are only half way through the week so far. I have also had enough Vlogs so far to keep me busy which is also a good thing. So all in all every thing is good so far this week.


I also managed to get to go to gym today as well. So all in all it was a successful day today.

I Did

Well I am Proud to report that I did do the cleaning today even though it was a bit of a hassle to get out bed. I kinda had to kick my butt to get going. But none the less I got it done. yippeeee


So today I had My Nap before I started posting. I think that must be a new thing since I haven't really had to Nap in the late Afternoon. Go Figure.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Shit Drag Queens Say! (featuring Pandora Boxx)


So I just woke up from my Little nap. I feel better now that I have had a Nap. This has to be the lamest post ever. I did it so those who follow this blog would know that I did have a Nap. lol


I don't know why but I am feeling a bit tired. I feel like taking a nap.


Well I can report that I did the washing today which was real easy even though I was a bit anxious about it to start with. It all worked out fine in the end. So it is mostly packed away except for a few things which I will do tomorrow.


So I have returned from Therapy. I will say that today was a good Session. We dealt with one or two things I wanted to get right. So to a large degree they are sorted out. Well I at least hope  so. Plus now I have something to start next weeks session with. Well that is if I remember. One week is a long time to get through. lol. let alone trying to remember something.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Platinum Blonde Pussy


Are you kidding me if I could not do the cleaning today then the last thing which would happen is for me to go to |Gym. I will hopefully do that on Wednesday. it seems that Wednesday is going to be a big day since I have to catch up with all the things I ought to have done. Screaaam.

My Diet

So My Diet continues to be the same. I had a yes a Hot Cross Bun and a cup of coffee. That is all I have had for the whole day. I will however have supper at a round about 6:30pm. I will see what there is to have. it will include vegetables and some meat of some sort. Yes I can stand to lose some weight which I am struggling a bit with. It is not a lot but it still does show.

Not The Word

So today I was a told Sloth. I don't think that that can eve begin to describe it at all. I did not do the cleaning today. I conned myself into doing it on Wednesday as opposed to today. They call it procrastinating in a huge way. Lets just hope I can get it together on Wednesday. I have literary done nothing besides a load of washing today. Compared to what I normally do on Mondays I have done nothing. I was just really struggling with getting it together this morning. Which obviously did not work since I stayed in bed just about the whole day. i really hate when I do this but I kinda have to live with it since I have done it. Yes I do feel guilty about it. Otherwise it would not be such a big issue.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Adele - Someone Like You


lay on My Bed with the sun shining in just lazing. Did feel a bit Anxious coming back to The Abode. Still am to a certain degree. it is the normal Sunday anxiety I think. I always get anxious on Sunday for the next day being Monday. It is a guaranteed thing. Sometimes it's bad sometimes it's mild but always there on a Sunday. What can you do.


After Breakfast went to a furniture store supposedly there was supposed to be a Sale on. Must have missed the Sale for there wasn't one on. Anyway wandered around having a look at what they have. Just a little bit expensive for my taste. After that stopped by at a store to get some groceries and then went back to the Abode.


So went out this morning to a restaurant for Breakfast. Besides the two obligatory Cappuccinos I had a large Date and Nut Muffin. The Muffin was good . I just wasn't all that hungry this morning. I was thinking I would have the French Toast but decide to go the Muffin route instead.

The Guilt Trip

So watched The Guilt Trip last night. Not a bad movie. For what it is it was ok. I thought it would be funnier but what can you do. so all in all not a bad Movie.

The Guilt Trip