Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Have Been

I have been trying to find a way to express myself for awhile now. It is quite frustrating not have a outlet to express yourself through. So I am going to be trying to find a way that I can use this Blog to try and express myself through. It might not make too much sense at first then again it might not make any sense at all. I find myself in a spot at the moment where I must try and figure away to do it otherwise it will come out in another way. Which could be a problem. For if you suppress yourself for too long it can create problems emotionally speaking.
I really feel that I don't have the Space to express myself at all. So I will have to create away to do that. Or at least try make a space where I can do it. Hence the blog. I started this Blog for that very reason. That  is to express myself and my frustrations. First of all The Meds really change who you are. I don't say this lightly at all. I preferred my life before the Meds as opposed to what it is now. So that in of itself is one frustration that I have. So I can't get back to the way I was. I have tried too and I have succeeded marginally. Secondly there are frustrations around how to express myself for I did not have too much of a problem before. Well actually it was not that great. It is almost like having an Elephant in the room all the time. One that can not be addressed. So the Elephant just gets bigger and bigger as time goes on. It can be quite suffocating having a large Elephant around. Now I will be addressing issues in much the same way that I am now. So if I refer to the Elephant you will now know that there are issues that I can't address . These issues will only be addressed in a round about way. I really don't want to have to explain too much. Yet you will get the gist of it if you do follow this Blog.

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