Saturday, 30 November 2013
The Red
So I am on my second Glass of The Red. The glasses are minute. I don't if you know the glasses that are from reclaimed bottles. Well this is one of them. So A glass is not that much. Said trying to justify the drinking of the Red. It makes me relax which is a good thing I say unto you. So that is a good enough reson for me.
After Lunch / Breakfast went to a Mall. Not too far but also not too close. Went to a specific store to have a look for what they had. Found a pair of pants that Like with help from the shop assistant. So that was really cool and then found another pair of pants which was cool. The store was a bit busy. I would hesitate to say but it seemed like when people go Xmas shopping. Everyone has that haggard look about them. You know that look I wanna get what I came for and get the ........ out of here. lol
So did not make it for Breakfast since I did the washing and The Linen which is all packed away. Cool So went out for Lunch and had Breakfast. lol. Had an Omelette with tomatoes, mushrooms and bacon with toast as well. I wont say it was fantastic it was ok nothing to write home about. lol I did however have a large cappuccino which was pretty good compared to the meal. Still trying to find a restaurant that can frequent always knowing the food is great. Which for the moment is not possible still yet to find one.
Last Night
So I got a bit sloshed last night I think I drank too much. Watched 2 episodes of "Suits". It was only by the second episode that I could see through the alcoholic glaze or even haze. Lol. It really wasn't my plan to get sloshed for I even drank less than I normally do. Which is surprising. Never the less the night was good . Will be watching "Suits " again tonight. I doubt that I will be sloshed tonight. lol. Too funny I have to say.
Friday, 29 November 2013
I have not been to the Gym once this week. In fact all I have done is sleep late everyday. Which is not much different to that which I do anyway. I just really have not felt like going to Gym. It happens once in a blue moon. Lets see what happens next week.
My Washing machine is still packed with my Linen which I have not washed. I am procrastinating. Why I don't know. I will do it tomorrow that and the washing as well. I did clean the Abode today which is now finished which makes me happy for that.
So yesterday we had a power cut hence the reason I could not Post. It was a real pain in the ......... you can fill in the blank. lol
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
So I changed the Linen . The dirty is in the washing Machine all prepared for tomorrow when I do the washing. I just did not feel like doing it today. So I procrastinated a bit. But It at least will be done tomorrow and the I have to clean The Abode on Friday. Aaaagghh.
I Could
I really could do with some good news round about now. The last month has been pretty rough. What with people being in Hospital and various other things. It has been a rough November all together. They say that normally when it rains it pours. Well that happens to be true for November.
A Day
So Sorry to say I slept quite late today. I know it's nothing new. Except for the fact that I was recovering from my Therapy Session. For those who don't know the way I cope with stress is to sleep. So if I am feeling Anxious or stressed I go and lie down for a couple of hours until I feel better. Everyone has their way of coping my way just happens to be sleep. What I forgot is that I also drink on the weekends to counteract the Anxiety and Stress. Which also helps. So sleep and on the weekend booze. lol. I would give my .... to know what your thinking now.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
I have returned from Therapy. Which was a tough one. So much so I feel exhausted. It was not as bad as the one I had two Sessions back. You will have to excuse me if I don't post as much as I normally do. For I feel I have to go lie down for awhile.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Last Night
So continued watching "Suits ". Got up up to the seventh episode. Starting to enjoy them. I prefer having the whole series available as opposed to having to till the next week to see the next episode. This way you can watch till you want and pick it up at a later date.
So Today I slept super late. Only got up at 1:30 something to 2. Did some washing and then started Blogging. I had some weird dreams with relatives in them. I prefer not to have my relatives are in my Dreams. At least these dreams weren't as weird as the dreams as the ones from last week. It's a pity that you can't pick the people that appear in your Dream . It would make for better dreams. Don't you think.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Last Night
So watched the first two episodes of the first season of "Suits" last night. Not bad actually the title is a bit deceiving. It sounds boring. So far it's ok. So have started two Series "Suits" and "The Walking Dead". Probably watch "Suits" more. For I think that "The Walking Dead" can become a little bit predictable.
So the last stop was at the store to get the Groceries for the week. Things like Vegetables. Don't really eat too much during the week. Normally vegetables with some white meat. Meaning chicken or fish and the is pretty much the same for the week days. It's only on weekends that splurge and eat stuff that is nice.
So eventually went to a restaurant. Where I had ciabatta with grilled chicken, sun dried tomatoes, some cheese, and bacon. And a side dish of potato salad. I really enjoyed this meal for a change. I also had two beers which makes for a break from the cappuccinos don't you think? So the beer was really refreshing.
So after having been to the store went to a hospital to visit another relative there. This one has something wrong with the Lungs. I don't know so don't ask me. I am just a visitor. They don't look that bad. So at least got to do that.
So was at a Mall this Morning to get some detergent for the washing machine. They had a sale on for half the normal amount so just had to go and get it. Since it is so expensive normally. So got two buckets of detergent So that should last quite awhile since I have about One Third of a Bucket left. Well now that you know that you should feel much better. lol. Just kidding
Saturday, 23 November 2013
The Lone Ranger
So watched The Lone Ranger last night wit Johnny Depp. Which I happen to love. This is not his greatest performance but still enjoyed his role as Tonto. He certainly brought something to this Movie for had he not been in it, it would have flopped. Well that's my opinion.
So then went to have Breakfast at a Restaurant which was Scrambled eggs, bacon, mushrooms, chips, (Fries for the Americans) french toast and sausage. With two cups of Cappuccino as well. The Breakfast was ok. The Cappuccinos were Milky and not that strong. It is hard to find a restaurant where you can find good cappuccinos. just as much as a restaurant that makes good food. We are so used to below par places.
So After went to the disastrous Mall went to another one to get Groceries. Got ingredients to make Spaghetti Bolognaise for Supper tonight. Beside getting Groceries for the week. Always get them from two different shops. This one today and the Vegetables from the one tomorrow. So shop twice for Groceries for the week.
So this morning went to a New Mall that has only just opened quite a big one. So was expecting something wow. When got there walked around checking out all the shops. Which I have to say are pretty run of the mill. Just about every shop that you find in every other Mall. So there was no big surprise the actual building was a bit of a let down since it was nothing spectacular there was nothing to set it apart from all The Other Malls. You definitely find the Malls where you can see that some effort went into designing the Mall. This one there was no such thing. So all in all it was a big disappointment and will not be going there any time soon.
Friday, 22 November 2013
I forgot to mention but I had some really weird Dreams yesterday. I really mean it when I say weird. They are still stuck with me. You know how quickly you forget Dreams even the good ones. Well this one I still quite fresh. I would not even begin to try and relate it to you. That's how bizarre it was. It left me with questions as to what it meant. I certainly believe that there are messages contained within Our Dreams. It would be strange if there weren't.
So now I am onto The Red. I just could not wait any more for the time for me to start. I just needed to start since I was craving some. I was naughty yesterday and finished what was left in the one bottle which worked out to two glasses. I wish I had some Vodka. I like a good stiff drink every now and then. Especially like Vodka, Tequila, and Rum. Rum and Coke is particulary nice. lol I should start a Blog for drink appreciation. What would I call it?
So I went to Gym. Which is amazing all in of itself. For today I am particulary Lazy. I slept really late. I suppose the news would be if I ever wake up early. That would be a miracle. I do however think that my Sleeping is getting worse as time goes by. I just wish I could get a handle on it. How I don't know.
Keep On
So I manged to get all the washing folded and put away including some Linen as well. I have to say that today I am particulary Lazy. And I am glad I got all that squared away. It always feels good to get the stuff done so I can get onto more important things like blogging and watching my Vlogs.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Have To Say
My Depression has not been so bad of Late and neither has My Anxiety. I have upped My Meds for Anxiety. Meaning without the Dr knowing. So My Anxiety is manageable to some degree. I can get Anxious if the circumstances around me change. Other than that I am ok in managing it. Watch now as soon as I have said this I will be freaked out and My Anxiety will go through the roof and with it My Depression. I get Depressed when My Anxiety goes up. I also get Depressed for other reasons as well. I do feel that when I drink Alcohol it goes a long way to allow me to feel like myself as well as being able to manage the circumstances. Unfortunately its not a good idea to rely on Alcohol to set you right. That's Why I only drink on the weekend in the evenings. My Anxiety tends to peak on the weekends when everyone is around and not at work . During the week its not so bad that is my Anxiety.
So I got the Line and Washing done today. I packed some of the Linen away already. The rest I will probably do tomorrow. I still have to do the cleaning tomorrow. Screamm. I hate cleaning. Well I will have to do it since I don't have a choice now do I. I wish I was rich and could afford a Maid. It would be so much easier would it not. Oh yes much easier.
For those that follow My Lazy Arse. I think I have reached my record for spending the most time in bed today. Well almost maybe by an hour or two shy. I just could not help myself today. I just could not face getting out of bed until I felt I needed to get out of bed. Which normally takes awhile. So ys I slept an inordinate amount today. I will however say I had some really weird dreams this morning. I am still trying to wrap my head around them. I don't think I will be able to get much meaning out of them. lol
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
I Did
So I slept quiet late today so much so that I did not do my Linen I normally do. So I have put it off till tomorrow. When I will have to do it . Since I am cleaning the Abode on Friday. That's what happens when you procrastinate everything piles up. I just really wish I did not have to clean it would be such a release unfortunately I do since I don't have or even could afford a Maid.
So I was Able to Drag My sorry arse off to Gym today. Which was a marginal success. since I did not do all the things as a I should have. Just remember that last week I did not even go to gym at all. So I have to do catch up today. So obviously it was not going to be as good as it normally is. Not forgetting that I really can't stand going to gym at all.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
I Did
I slept right up until the time I had to leave to got to Therapy. I left some time to get dressed and all of that.
I have just come back from Therapy. Today was a whole lot better than the one before for the one before was quite hard on me, emotionally speaking. So this one today I needed ti to be light. So we did however cover a number of topics which is always a good thing.
So We had a Power Failure/ cut yesterday. So that's the reason I was not able to post yesterday.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Side Effects
So last night watched Side Effects which is about a psychiatrist (Jude Law) and his patient. That's all I am going to say about the Movie. What fascinated me was they mentioned drugs in the movie which I happen to be on. There are others that are just fictitious. So the Movie was a little bit close to home. Which I have to say was interesting. Well at least for me. No not the the plot of the Movie just the supposed treatment for Depression which is Prozac and Efexor. I happen to be on Efexor. I was on Prozac awhile ago but it did not agree with me. You really have to go through a number of combinations until you find which ones agree with you. Its all about balancing the Drugs. For awhile you feel like a Guinea Pig with all that you have to go through |To find the match I can tell story's about what some combinations did to me. Anyway that's all over.
Can't Wait
I am waiting at the moment for Have people viewing the Abode. For are trying to sell the Abode and get another for need a larger Abode. No not huge the one at the moment is too small. So I am practicing patience. Which in of itself a discipline not so easily mastered. I am also waiting for the Red Hour so I can have some wine. I have a specific time where I start drinking which is late in the afternoon. So that is about an hour away when I can start. It sounds strange well I did head the Blog with in Search of Sense. So if anything seems strange then you know why. It's not supposed to make sense it just has to appear that I am trying figure things out. lol.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Despicable 2
So I watched Despicable 2 last night and loved it. I love Agnus the young girl the best as well as the minions. I wouldn't mind if they made a third one in the series. It is good entertainment. Good for a cartoon. I happen to love Cartoons ans animation. AS well as the comics and Graphic Novels.
I was up and ready to go out and went to a Mall to look for sweets and went to a sweet shop. Then went to go get some other stuff needed for the Abode. After that stopped at a restaurant and got a Huge Muffin with a big Cappuccino. The Muffin was date and nut. Which I love. So all in all it was a great Lunch. I was needing a Muffin. Well I desired a Muffin or I was lusting.
This Morning
So I slept in this morning only really got up round about Midday. So it was a Lazy morning. I enjoyed it. I was close to sleep again at about 11 am. Then got up.
Friday, 15 November 2013
The Red
So I have poured myself a second Glass of The RED. I think I might have a surprise. I think I can post Vlogs again. I will try now when I have finished watching my Vlogs. Which should be awesome. I love it
So got up early this morning which in of itself is a miracle. Can you imagine that. Anyway I did both the Linen and The Washing. Which is also a Miracle. So today was a first for me. Just kidding I can get up early if I have to. lol. No seriously I can. So all of that was done before went to the hospital. After all the running around this morning and afternoon I folded the stuff and put it away. Remember that I should have done the Linen on Wednesday. So it was a couple of days late. Never the less it is done. Hoorah
Who Cares
Went to the hospital this morning to visit someone who had bypass surgery. They seem to be coming along. Which is a good thing. After that went to a restaurant and had a Breakfast Burrito (You will have to excuse my spelling I have no idea how to spell it) Which had cream cheese, small sausages, cheese and scrambled egg. It was ok. Just as a refresher I had two beers. Can you imagine that normally its two cappuccinos. Well we need to break our habits once in a blue moon. Always good to have a change from the norm.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
So today I was supposed to the Line to day but decide to do the Linen tomorrow as well as the washing. So I will have two loads to do tomorrow. I know now it's more work to do both on the same day. What can I say I was feeling Lazy today. So I spent an inordinate amount of time in my Bed. Which I have to say I did not enjoy all the last hours of being in bed. Why i don't know. Maybe I slept too long and was not tired.
Running Around
So I am done running around today. I went to go get My Prescription filled. No these are just some other Meds I take . It's not for my Depression etc. So at least that is done for now. Well for this month. Next time I go it will be December can you believe it. It's just wild how this year has flown. Anyway I then wen to another Mall and picked up 5 bottled of Red Wine in anticipation of the weekend. I will only drink four of them over Friday through to Sunday. So it works out at One and a third bottles a night which is not a lot. Well I mean there are only 4 large glasses of wine in a bottle which is not a lot. Dependent on how large the glass is. Then I went to another Mall and got a can of coke and just sat around for awhile. Then finally went back to the Abode.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Therapy was particularly hard on me yesterday so I was both mentally as well as physically exhausted. So this morning I slept in. I suppose it did the trick that and having slept after Cleaning.
Today was certainly a day for cleaning. I cleaned the abode and then changed the Linen. Which I am going to wash tomorrow. I cleaned the windows as well today. Which I do once in a Blue Moon. It's not something I think I need to do on s regular basis. Well I suppose it all depends on the individual. So after all that I was supposed to go to Gym but I felt tired and decided not to go. So instead I had a nice long sleep.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Not Much
Besides going to Therapy which took a lot out of me. I slept quite late this morning. Well lay in bed for awhile shall I say I have not done much.
So today I saw my Psychiatrist to do the monthly check up to make sure the Meds are working. Just answer a couple of questions and get the script. Not really that much to the appointment. So really just for the coming Months Meds. Then I saw My Therapist a little while later. They both are in the same region. Today's Therapy was a real eye opener. Also a bit hard on the Self I have to say/ Therapy can get really sore when dealing with your own inner issue. The longer your in Therapy the deeper it goes. So You can't expect a holiday in Therapy Sessions.
Monday, 11 November 2013
I had some interesting Dreams this morning. One whee I was trying to get away and out of a situation. Can't really describe it better than that. But none the less. I like it when my dreams go on for awhile. Hate it when I wake up in the middle of a dream. At least this morning there was some continuity. lol. Sounds like I am talking about a Telly show does it not. lol.
So Last night watched some episode of Say Yes To The Dress. Interesting episodes. It's amazing how you can get so many variations on the same theme. Always fascinated me. TLC has certainly got some interesting shows. Watched breaking Amish a well. The brave new world edition. So at least there was something to watch on Telly last night.
Last Night
The Red and The Meds did certainly worked out last night. So I was not Anxious. This morning did not forget My Meds. Thank goodness for that. Did sleep in how ever so got up really late. Had a shower afterwards so felt a bit better after that.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
I almost forgot . So watched the first two episodes of season one of the Walking Dead last night. Interesting, I wont say its fantastic I can see how it could possibly become a repetition of the same theme over and over and over. Was that enough overs. lol. So I will watch some more at a later stage. What I would like to get is True Blood. I know its about Vampires and that is about it. It would be interesting to see if its any good.
After all of that went to do some Grocery shopping for the week. And then back to The Abode. It was round about this time I started to feel Anxious.
This Morning
Stopped off on the way to see an abode to have a cup of Cappuccino. Then went to see the Abode after that went to a Mall to have Breakfast which was a bolognaise sauce Omelette with toast and another Cappuccino except this one was cold which I can't stand. This Breakfast was ok nothing to write home about. Then after that went to see another Abode.
I Did
I forgot to take MY Meds this morning so I am feeling Anxious. I took one of my Meds for Anxiety just now so it should kick in shortly. Well that is I hope so. I suppose it depends on your metabolism and how fast it is. I hate felling Anxious.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
There Is
I wanted to post this one Vlog where there is Choral music in the background and then these cards that are put on the ground in cities around the world for people to sign in support of The LGBT community in Russia. For the Government there has Anti Gay Laws. On the the front of the card is written to Russia with Gay Love. It is a very touching Vlog. So much so I wish I could have posted it. well at least I told you about it.
Should there be Condoms at School. Hell yeah. The children are having sex anyway with or without. Why do you think there are so many teen pregnancys. well they are having sex. Better to protect them than let them catch some STD. this is the subject of a Vlog I would have liked to post. you know the story by now about Blogger. Anyway back to the topic. This is not a moral thing its a common sense thing. Don't ya think?
So went running around to different Malls looking for furniture. To be more specific a chair. Not an expensive one at all. Eventually found one. The chair is for some one else. It will be delivered on Tuesday.
So went to a restaurant the one wanted to got to but that was full so went across the road to the other one. Been there before. So not new to me. Anyway had an open sandwich with grilled chicken, avo, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, spinach, basil pesto on top of toasted white bread. It was great not sorry at all that went there. On top of that had a coffee freezeochino ( I am not too sure how you spell that lol.) and some coke.
So the Breakfast was really great.
So the Breakfast was really great.
The day has been quite a long one running around. So went grocery shopping at Fav shopping place. Got what needed and then some more. You know how it is you go in wanting this and that and come out with stuff you never intended to buy. Not too many this time. Don't really need much. The other one for the week normally do on Sunday and that is the veg and etc. which is at another store. All in all don't really get that much at all.
Friday, 8 November 2013
I know that the posts on here are frugal at best. I also know that they are banal at the best of times. My Vlogs do speak volumes about me. Well not my Vlogs but the Vlogs I post. |That is why I post Vlogs. So you will have to forgive me me for not being so forth coming. I just get stuck when i ma posting to this Vlog. To Be honest I have a lot more to say than I do. Its just that I really haven't Identified what I am trying to get across in this Blog. It's almost as if I don't think my Character is not coming across. You will have to excuse me since I have had a few glasses of REd in the mean time. So hence the long post. I am Bipolar we know this already I am depressed I clean the Abode as well. I wash the washing and the linen. I drink Red wine on the weekends. I have issues that I don't like to refer to. I love Drag Queens I am a supporter of all things LGBT. And I think that is about it. but that is not the sum total of who I am. For that would be shallow don't you think. I am that and more. I love art and music and really love books am passionate about human rights I am ............ which I won't mention for it won't make a difference. So there is a lot more to me than what meets the eye. I just don't know why I don't share all of what I am passionate about. Maybe I am scared of losing you.
You are really missing out with the Vlogs I have at the moment which are stunning. I don't mean to tease but seriously they are great. The one was so funny I blew Red Wine all over my face I was about to take a sip except it ended on my face. lol
So I am busy with my second glass of red wine at the moment. Started just now about half an hour ago. Nothing like a bit of Red to ease the tensions from the week. No I only drink on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. So I am not an Alcoholic at all. lol. Here I go defending myself.
So Yeah
Cleaning of them Abode. It was a bit of a rush job today I have to admit. Washing folded and put away most of the linen is folded and put away Probably do the rest over the weekend. Once again it makes my Heart happy to know it's done. Since I love cleaning are you kidding me I detest it. If I had money I would get somebody else to do it for me.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
I Am
I really am missing being able to post You Tube Vlogs. Since at the moment i have such good ones I can post. So more than likely when Blogger gets its act together I wont be able to find them . For I always post them as soon as I find them. Well what can you do.
So I got the washing down just did not do the Linen which I will probably have to do on Saturday for tomorrow I am cleaning the Abode. Which I am really looking forward to. NOT. Seriously who enjoys cleaning , not me.
Not I was quite stressed yesterday night and ended up crying. I was just really emotional because of all the stress. I know I said that already. Normally its Tv and Movies that get me emotional but this time was different. I wish I could tell you why but I can't as per usual.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
As Well
I almost forgot that I went to my therapy Session yesterday. I was so focused on the Tattoo that I forgot. I received some good news. Sorry cant share with you it at least made my day. Just as much as having my Tattoo done. So anyway the Session went well considering I had not seen my Therapist since two weeks ago.
I got back to The Abode quite late yesterday fro The Tattoo Parlour. So I was really tired and did not feel like Posting. Hence the no Post stating the obvious. lol. Well only one third of the Tattoo is finished. It looks pretty damn good if I have to say so myself. I really was hoping that more could have been finished. You Know I am still tired today as well even though I got up relatively late.
I was supposed to do the linen today but that is now tomorrow. there was a couple of rescheduling that had to be done. Anyway not that I am happy about it. But it is what it is.
Monday, 4 November 2013
I am so excited for tomorrow. For not am I seeing My Therapist I am also getting My Tattoo finished. So It's a double wammy. Which is really cool. I did get two bottles of Red to give My Tattoo. I always take two when I am having work done.
So I am also looking Forward to My Therapy Session since I did not see the Therapist last week. Which was a bit strange to say the least. I am going to miss it when I go away over the Festive Season. Then again I might be having such a good time I might not.
So I am also looking Forward to My Therapy Session since I did not see the Therapist last week. Which was a bit strange to say the least. I am going to miss it when I go away over the Festive Season. Then again I might be having such a good time I might not.
So today was wasted by me staying in the bed late. I had some cool dreams. I just know that they were cool. don't ask me what they were about since I have forgotten already. It's so strange how quick it is to forget Dreams. They become illusory (I hope that's the right word, lol.) I think I use Monday to recover from the weekend not to say that my weekends are hectic. it allows me to crawl into a ball to cope with the coming week. I normally plan the week a head of time so I know what to do when.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
So I was feeling tired so I went and had a nap. By the time I woke up it was Red Time. I find that when I have a few I am able to post better. Go Figure. I think I feel more like myself when I have had a few. What you might not know is that My Medication changed me quite a bit and that happens to every one that goes on the type of Medication I am on. I used to bit a lot more Sparkly than I am now. I just feel kinda dead almost emotionless. Ok that's a bit of an exaggeration. Still I feel that I have lost a lot of my former self. I am trying to regain some of my aspects of what I used to be but its bloody hard. What with everything. You see off the Meds I am alot more how shall we say different. As some described it I bounce off the wall and am a lot more difficult to live with. lol That's one persons description of me off the Meds. But then I feel like myself at least.
Watched not much on Telly last night. However got the first three seasons of "The Walking Dead". Heard it is supposed to be goo. No I did not pay for it. lol. So probably watch thts tonight. Will see how it goes. I know that there are some wedding Dress shows on Telly tonight so will have to see which trumps. So many choices I don'y know what to do. lol. Go figure
So then went to a sweet shop which was closed since the notice on the door say closed on Sundays. Which is a bummer to say the least. Then went to check out two Abodes which weren't all that great to start off with. After that stopped at a mall to look at a clothes store and did not find anything there at all. Further went to another Mall to get Groceries for the week.
It's a little early to start boozing yet. Went out for Breakfast and had. you guessed it a Bacon Avo Tramezzini. It was a little bit cold which I was not thrilled about. On top of that I had the expected Two Cappuccinos. I promise next week I will have something else. (listening to George Michael's "The First Time Ever" which is a very beautiful song. Slow and Majestic) Well I don't know if a song can be Majestic. lol. Well whatever its a very soothing song.
Saturday, 2 November 2013
I haven't really said anything about My Depression etc for awhile. I have been taking extra Meds for Anxiety more than the Doctor prescribed. Well it helps me. If I start getting Anxious I just pop another one. I am really not interested in working it out even though it is Situational. I just cope better with Meds. I know it's the easy way out but I Have so much more too cope with being Bipolar on top of that is not easy. So my Depression can get quite bad and it has of lately I am struggling quite a bit to remain positive in the face of Depression and there are other factors which I won't go into at this time. So I will saying I am doing Ok which is not fantastic. lol. who said it would be easy.
So went Christmas shopping for Christmas Crackers which got a whole bunch for an event. Found the ones which where looking for. Seems a bit early I know. But what can you do. Should actually start shopping for gifts to avoid the last minute rush. If your really good you should have been doing it the whole year already making use of the sales that go on through out the year. Fortunately for me|I am away on Christmas.
Went Out
So had Breakfast out again which consisted of Cajun Chicken Tramezzini . (Even after all this time I still have to look up the spelling of the word) Plus Two Cappuccinos. The Tramezzini was particularly good this time had a little bite to it which was nice. So Breakfast was good.
So more or less 1000 views are done on My Blog per month give or take. Which is not bad considering what I post. Which can be called .......... . You get to choose which word to put there. I am not a good Judge so I will leave that up to you Guys and Girls. I am a bit disappointed that I can't post Vlogs at the moment but you know that already. I love sharing them with you go it makes for a better BBlog. I am sure you will agree with me.
The Interweb is really slow today. It has taken for ever just get this page down so I can post. If it isn't Blogger messing me around then its the Interweb as well. who knows what else will go wrong. I don't even want to imagine. Even to view Vlogs it is taken for ever to get nowhere. Its like extracting teeth. And I should know I had a wisdom tooth recently extracted. Yeah I know it just completely slipped my Mind. Not that I did on purpose or anything. I suppose it is a big thing. Then again I might have told you I just can't remember if I had.
Friday, 1 November 2013
This last Tuesday I did not see My Therapist. My Therapist had something to do. So I will only see my Therapist this Tuesday coming at a different time since I am going to have my Tattoo finished. I also have to mention that early next year I am going to have to swap my Therapist for another one. I don't really have much of a choice in the matter. I am not exactly happy about the situation since the one I have at the moment gets me. So To have star all over again is a bit troublesome.
So I went shopping for red wine and bought 5 bottles. Two of the bottles are for My Tattoo Artist when I go on Tuesday to get My Tattoo Finished, Yahoo. So I am not going to drink all five I could if I wanted to. No Man not in one sitting. That would be just too much.
Did not
So I went to Gym and did my normal new routine. Well it has been that since my body no longer likes cycling. lol. No seriously it really does not like cycling. So instead I do rowing. Fortunately my Bum did not hurt today so it was goo d that rested my Bum yesterday. So all the rest of the exercises went well.
I cleaned the Abode. Washed the mats from the bathroom and bedroom. I do that once in a blue moon. Dependent on my mood. There are other things I need to clean just haven't got round to it yet. Anyway that will be done in time.
Blogger is still going spaz. I just hope they sort out the mess soon. I will not post again about Blogger until they get their story sorted out.
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